Monthly Archives: July 2023

Decoding Ben Shapiro (7-16-23)

01:00 Ben Shapiro and The Tragedy of Political Commentary, NYP: RFK Jr. says COVID may have been ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews, Colin: RFK JR, BAD MEMES, BIOLABS, AND THE “PARANOIA MAPS” OF THE 2024 ELECTION, Nathan … Continue reading

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NYT: If Loneliness Is an Epidemic, How Do We Treat It?

The more connected I am with other people, the better I feel. Almost all of my good memories are with other people. When I walk with other people, the miles fly by. When I walk alone, they don’t fly by. … Continue reading

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My Principles For Understanding The World

These are my rules for life and these are my principles for decoding reality: * We live in a post-modern world. There’s no one narrative that adequately explains reality. * Personalities are usually less powerful than situations. The news media … Continue reading

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Analyzing Steve Sailer’s Latest Interview (7-13-23)

01:00 Truth in an Age of Lies ft. Steve Sailer | Restoring Order – EP 26403:00 How about a media reckoning, an elite reckoning for the racial reckoning that provoked tens of thousands of extra murders29:30 JF Gariepy on the … Continue reading

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Decoding Jean-Francois Gariepy (7-12-23)

01:00 JF Gariepy on Twitter Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality, Jean-Francois Gariepy,çois_Gariépy05:00 The One Study That Changed JF Gariepy’s View On Vaccines, Brian Hooker and Neil Z. Miller publish another terrible “vaxxed/unvaxxed” study, … Continue reading

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