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"This guy knows all the gossip, the ins and outs, the lashon hara of the Orthodox world. He’s an [expert] in... all the inner workings of the Orthodox world." (Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff)"This generation's Hillel." (Nathan Cofnas)
Monthly Archives: July 2022
How The News Differs From Reality
What is reality? That which exists no matter how intensely people wish it didn’t. In 1984, Communications professor Sandra Braman wrote that news is “the passage of bureaucratically recognized events through administrative procedures.” At the top of WSJ.com right now … Continue reading
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Pulling a train along the Black queer underground railroad of assistance (7-27-22)
00:15 Regular Americans during Covid were berated to stop the spread, but protected groups aren’t berated to stop the spread, https://www.takimag.com/article/monkeypox-the-new-aids/ 03:00 Nancy Pelosi’s rioters disrupting American democracy 20:40 Struggle to protect gay, bisexual men from monkeypox exposes inequities, https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/07/27/monkeypox-gay-men-vaccine-treatment/ … Continue reading
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Why is the world so unhappy? Q as a cry for help (7-26-22)
00:30 Tucker Carlson on collapsing NYC, Washington DC 05:00 Illegal immigration 17:00 Victor Davis Hanson on our elite 19:30 Rebels still trust the government to regulate food and drink and banks 22:30 WEHT to herd immunity? 25:00 $50 billion subsidizing … Continue reading
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Tucker Carlson Interview (7-25-22)
00:30 Tucker Carlson vs Big Pharma 06:00 Why do we have an epidemic of mental illness? https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2011/06/23/epidemic-mental-illness-why/ 15:00 Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study, https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(22)00320-6/fulltext 18:00 Elsevier pandemic profiteering, again, https://forbetterscience.com/2022/04/20/elsevier-pandemic-profiteering-again/ 20:00 Johann … Continue reading
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Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan
This 2010 book was made into a terrific 2022 HBO series. The first foreigner to write for Japan’s biggest newspaper is the author Jake Edelstein from Missouri. Here are some highlights from the book: * “Can you work on the … Continue reading
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