Monthly Archives: January 2022

National Identity & Social Cohesion

Here is a 2021 paper by Christian Albrekt Larsen: * [Hans] Kohn’s distinction had its roots in Meineke’s (1970[1907]) distinction between “staatsnation” (state nation) and “kulturnation” (culture nation). Kohn’s basic argument was that in Western Europe (his examples were France, … Continue reading

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Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now?

I’m thinking about moving to Sydney. If my growth in Orthodox Judaism is my number one priority, then there is no question I should stay in LA. The Los Angeles Orthodox Jewish community is about 30 times the size of … Continue reading

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G-Day Brisbane! With my sister and my Uncle Don Booth (mom’s side).

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The One Study That Changed JF Gariepy’s View On Vaccines

00:00 JF Gariepy – internet blood sports pioneer – goes full anti-vaxx based on a crap study, 10:00 Elliott Blatt joins 13:00 New Year’s resolutions 14:00 Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness … Continue reading

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