Monthly Archives: August 2021

Brave New World (8-15-21)

Here are my notes on the book: * At the end of the book, I had nothing. I had no comments. I had no reactions. I didn’t laugh or cry or have any emotional or intellectual reaction to the book. … Continue reading

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How did the American Right react to Covid?

I noticed that the HBD crowd (Steve Sailer, Greg Cochran) took Covid-19 seriously while the populist right as embodied by the America First crowd, talk radio and Fox News minimized the seriousness of Covid. Has the HBD crowd been wrong … Continue reading

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Anti-Gentilism-The hate that dare not speak its name (8-11-21)

Charlotte Allen writes: Gentiles were also among Roth’s lifelong fixations as antagonists. He was ever on the alert for anti-Semitism, both real and imagined. He even classified Bloom, herself Jewish, as an anti-Semite; apparently, it was fine for Roth to … Continue reading

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What unites vaccine and election cranks? (8-10-21)

Mike Lindell’s con is winding down, The pandemic productivity boom, See the Data on Breakthrough Covid Hospitalizations and Deaths by State, New numbers from the CDC suggest fully vaccinated people remain protected against hospitalization and death, … Continue reading

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Andrew Cuomo Resigns & What Is Moral Character? (8-10-21)

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