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Daily Archives: July 26, 2020
The Talmud of the Land of Israel: A Preliminary Translation and Explanation by Jacob Neusner
Saul Lieberman writes in 1984, shortly before his death: I HAVE BEFORE MY EYES A Preliminary Translation and Explanation of three tractates of the Palestinian Talmud (hereafter TP), vid. Horayot, Niddah and Abodah Zarah (hereafter AZ). In his Forward to … Continue reading
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Pets on Shabbat, Rabbi Morenu, and Epidemics
Orthodox Jews traditionally have not kept pets. Marc B. Shapiro blogs: * R. Moshe did not regard pets as muktzeh. It would thus be permissible to handle your own cat that lives in your home, but not to do so … Continue reading
Posted in Marc B. Shapiro, Orthodoxy, Pets
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Marc B. Shapiro blog: * One of the biggest theological changes in Orthodoxy in the last decades—perhaps the sources collected in Limits were significant in this regard—is the acknowledgment that asserting limited post-Mosaic additions to the Torah is not to … Continue reading
Posted in Marc B. Shapiro, Orthodoxy
Meir Kahane At Brandeis University
Posted in Meir Kahane
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