Monthly Archives: August 2018

Interview With Cultural Critic John David Ebert

His Youtube channels. John’s website:

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The Kek Wars, Part Two: In the Shadow of the Cathedral

John Michael Greer writes: In last week’s thrilling episode of The Kek Wars, we talked about the way that America’s managerial aristocracy and its broad penumbra of lackeys and hangers-on retreated into a self-referential bubble to avoid noticing the consequences … Continue reading

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The Kek Wars, Part One: Aristocracy and its Discontents

John Michael Greer writes: Magic is the politics of the excluded. It’s also, in an inversion of a kind typical in such situations, the politics of the excluders. We’ll get to the latter point later in this essay; for now, … Continue reading

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The Kek Wars, Part Three: Triumph of the Frog God

John Michael Greer writes: 4chan and all its offspring are venues for anonymous unmoderated talk, places where anything goes—the more offensive to the conventional wisdom, the better. Long before Trump announced his candidacy, the chans were already having a significant … Continue reading

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Why Did The Jewish Community Switch Swides On Affirmative Action?

Jacob Scheer writes: “The explanation put forward by this article is that Jews have become America’s WASPs. They back the current system of affirmative action because it protects their self-interest as a group with outsize political and social influence. As … Continue reading

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