Monthly Archives: June 2018

Ron Unz: ‘The Remarkable Historiography of David Irving’ (6-5-18)

David Irving is an excellent litmus test. If you deny either his good work or his shoddy work, you lack judgment. Irving is neither a saint nor a sinner. He’s simply more provocateur than historian. He has a fondness for … Continue reading

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Tender Is The Alt Right

A friend says: “I’d like to have a discussion on toxic masculinity. Also, I’d like to discuss what people think of ‘sentimental men’, or men who behave and speak in sentimental ways. For me it’s okay for women to be … Continue reading

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Jewish Perspectives On The Alt Right

MP3. I argue with Yonasan, an Orthodox Jew in New York. Pete*, the professional philosopher, says: Hi Luke, I’ve been listening to most of your streaming stuff the last few weeks. Really excellent! I especially loved the one where you … Continue reading

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Hotep Jesus, Hotep Nation & Alt Blacks

MP3. Hotep’s Twitter: Anon Wyatt on Youtube. Twitter

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