Monthly Archives: December 2017


From Jew in the City: I asked a Hasidic friend about this, as most of the complaints I’ve heard about rudeness seem to be about the Hasidic community. (Modern Orthodox students at Yeshiva University were recently named one of the … Continue reading

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Jews, Women & The Ordeal Of Civility

Steve Sailer writes: Jews have taken on the role of society SuperEgo, while wanting to remain the Id in private. This is an unstable combination, has the high proportion of Jews have gotten in trouble attests. …When I was a … Continue reading

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What Are The Main Threats To Jewish Safety & Prosperity In America?

Steve Sailer writes: Granted, while more than a few Jewish pundits have an unfortunate tendency to portray anything that triggers their career insecurities as merely a hop, skip, and a jump from Auschwitz, their real worry is more mundane and … Continue reading

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‘Roy Moore Did Nothing Wrong’

Heartiste posts: I’m glad Trump came out in support of Roy Moore. The man’s travails — stoked to an incomprehensibly vitriolic froth by Nasty Womanhood, Inc and the Jewish Interest Media — are emblematic of the man-hating culture that suffuses … Continue reading

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Most People Who Stand Up To Relentless Propaganda Are Anti-Social Oddballs

Comments at Steve Sailer: * we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact that anyone even half willing to be on board with some alt-rightish agenda will be at the very least odd (and possibly worse) in some way. * … Continue reading

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