Monthly Archives: August 2017

Why Go Republican At Harvard?

Comment: “I know some Harvard people personally, and even if right-leaning, they wouldn’t really dare speak out. Perhaps tragically or amusingly, one of the most “Republican” of them was an openly gay man who was hoping that the College Republican … Continue reading

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Many Hasidic Jews In New York Can’t Speak English

In the third part of his Torah in Motion lecture series on the Ben Ish Chai, Marc Shapiro says: “Students need to be given training so that they can earn a living. He also says that is important for the … Continue reading

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Hasidim Don’t Tell You How To Change Your Jewish Practice

In his part one lecture on the Ben Ish Chai for Torah in Motion, Marc Shapiro says: “Anyone over 30 knows how different things are today than when we were growing up… We are accustomed to thinking that this sort … Continue reading

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Journalists Mourn Trump’s Victory

Just love watching this still. These are supposedly all objective, responsible journalists… — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 6, 2017

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Parasha Eikev (Det. 7-11)

This week’s Torah portion (Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25) is the third in the last book of the Torah. Listen here and here. * Is there more wisdom in Torah than in any other book? I am sure there are many good responses … Continue reading

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