Monthly Archives: August 2017

Saturday In Charlottsville

Paul Gottfried writes: First of all, I find no heroes emerging from these events. The police showed no ability or perhaps no willingness to keep the two sides separated; and when they met it was inevitable that these armed partisans … Continue reading

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The Greatest Sins Of The West

Comments at Steve Sailer: * In reality, the greatest sins of those who built America, and frankly the greatest sins of the West, have been kindness and generosity. These are great virtues, and among our greatest strengths when extended to … Continue reading

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Random Thoughts On Charlottsville

* The news coverage of the Charlottsville rally showed zero criticism of violent communists. * The news coverage of Charlottsville this weekend showed zero empathy for whites who want to preserve their heritage. Zero. Two hate-groups fight each other in … Continue reading

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President Trump Argues Over Charlottesville, Race Relations in Heated Press Conference | NBC News

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Trump was spot on. That was a beautiful press conference. I love that he gave those media thugs a piece of his mind. Our mainstream journalists have not one shred of credibility left, they are … Continue reading

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Where Does The Washington Post Stand On Donald Trump?

I glanced at the just now and saw 16 anti-Trump stories and four neutral stories about Trump. My impression of the news media over the past two years is that their stories are about 70% negative about Trump, about … Continue reading

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