Monthly Archives: May 2017

Wonkette: ‘Is David Brooks Being Compelled To Christ By New Wife’s Vagina? We Are Just Asking Questions’

Rebecca Schoenkopf writes: Here is a nice story of Nice Time! David Brooks, who believe it or not pens some of the less offensive twaddle for the New York Times, writes books about “character” and “morals,” and taught a … … Continue reading

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Group Vs Individualist Strategy

When I became interested in converting to Judaism, around 1990, I had weekly conversations with a friend who like me grew up as a Seventh-Day Adventist in Australia. This man worked as a pastor for many years before quitting and … Continue reading

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Haaretz: ‘Israeli Experts Fear Invasion of Yellow Crazy Ant That Wreaks Havoc on Crops’

Should not people and civilizations have the same fear of invasion from those different from themselves? Does not the category of “invasive species” apply to people as well? For example, why would non-Muslims welcome an influx of Muslims or why … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Before Michelle, Barack Obama asked another woman to marry him. Then politics got in the way.’

Carlos Lozada packs a punch. He’s the most important book critic of our time and he’s neither left nor right. Washington Post: Garrow portrays Obama as a man who ruthlessly compartmentalized his existence; who believed early on that he was … Continue reading

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Venerating Havoc – Academia and the media have learned nothing in the 25 years since the L.A. riots

Heather Mac Donald writes: Another five-year anniversary of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, another opportunity for media glorification of racial mayhem. The New York Times outdoes itself this year with a fawning profile of one of the sadists who stomped … Continue reading

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