Monthly Archives: May 2017

Advice For Trump

A Jew emails me: Trump faces formidable foes. His biggest enemies are the Democrats who do not accept the legitimacy of the election, which is comprised of many of the fringe groups, but plenty of mainstream ones, that make up … Continue reading

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Jewish Brain Surgeon Arrested For Sex Crimes

News: SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — A Santa Cruz nurse and neurosurgeon were arrested by the Watsonville Police Department on suspicion of sexually abusing children, including a victim who is less than 10 years old. James Kohut, 57, was a longtime … Continue reading

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Estimating IQ with a Brain Scan

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I’m having a hard time penetrating the science jargon, but let me take a guess at what it means. Synaptic networks comprising the human brain make up a fractal pattern. The more space filling that … Continue reading

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Blacks more likely than whites to attribute black problems to genetics

From Audacious Epigone: In his April Diary, the Derb brought up posts from the Inductivist (still relatively active here) and the Occidentalist concerning changes over time in the self-reported perceptions of why “on the average blacks have worse jobs, income, and … Continue reading

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The Past As Prologue: Mexican Repatriation

From Wikipedia: The Mexican Repatriation was the mass deportation of ½-2 million people from the United States to Mexico between 1929 and 1936.[1][2] Widely blamed for exacerbating the overall economic downturn,[3] Mexicans were further targeted because of “the proximity of … Continue reading

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