Monthly Archives: March 2017

Conservative Values

(JTA) — The Jewish Theological Seminary joined other Jewish Conservative groups in a U.S. Supreme Court appeal against a presidential move that allows schools to decide who may enter gender-segregated bathrooms. On Thursday, JTA wrote in a statement that it … Continue reading

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Forward: ‘Meet The 45 Most Popular Women On JSwipe’

None of them are black or fat or asian or latino. They’re all under 38. None of them look like tramps. Judging by their education levels, they probably have an average IQ of 120.

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LAT: There’s only one way to fix L.A.’s traffic, and it isn’t Elon Musk’s tunnels. We need tolls — lots of them

This is the only solution and it is a good one. UCLA researcher Herbie Huff writes: The reason that electrical power and air travel don’t fail every time they get crowded is that we raise prices to manage demand. If … Continue reading

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Black Trump-Hating Journalist Breaks Up With White Girlfriend, Then Phones In Threats To Jewish Community Centers

But somehow Trump is to blame? When you go through the day, how often are you hurt and inconvenienced by demographics likely to vote for Trump vs unlikely to vote for Trump. Most of the bad behavior I endure is … Continue reading

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Goldman vs Sailer

Steve Sailer writes: [David P.] Goldman [aka Spengler] is real smart but his judgment is iffy: e.g., he collaborated with Lyndon LaRouche on at least one book. I’m not as smart, but my judgment is a little more trustworthy. But … Continue reading

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