Monthly Archives: December 2016

Is Trump Pro-Israel?

I think Donald Trump sees Jews and the Jewish state primarily in terms of what is good for him and his country. When Jews are useful, he uses them. When blacks are useful, he uses them. I don’t think Trump … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: “America, Zionism, and the Path to Mutual Respect”

Steve Sailer writes: “The path to mutual respect is to insist upon reciprocity. The most reasonable bargain would be for conservatives to demand of neoconservatives that in return for American support for Zionism, Zionists must publicly support America deploying the … Continue reading

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WP: ‘The Asian American ‘advantage’ that is actually an illusion’

Washington Post: For decades, the data on median household incomes have shown the same, persistent racial disparities: Asians beating out whites at the top, while Hispanics and blacks hover near the bottom. Asian Americans seem to offer proof that minorities … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Germany Grapples With Its Genocide Past in Africa’

New York Times: “Tens of thousands of Namibians were killed between 1904 and 1908 in events that foreshadowed Nazi ideology and the Holocaust. Germany is finally close to recognizing the killings as genocide.” How come we never have these stories … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘A Bullet Could Hit Me and My Kids Anytime’

New York Times: “It has been a violent year in Chicago, and for thousands of children, just walking to school can be dangerous. More than a thousand workers line up along Safe Passage routes to help.” It’s the same way … Continue reading

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