Monthly Archives: December 2016

Jared Taylor, The MSM & The Jews

Comments: * Jared Taylor very much wants Jews within his identity politics movement. As a certain immigrant media tycoon once remarked to a friend of mind in explaining why he subsidized neoconservative spokesmen, “To succeed in America, don’t need all … Continue reading

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David Frum – American Patriot

Comments: David Frum and the crowd at the Army/Navy game differ on Trump’s Americanness: Maybe it wasn’t tactical, but I still don’t understand why Hillary never said: “Take off that pin, it’s not your flag, you Putin stooge.” — … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Syndicate

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‘Some observers are realizing that yelling about fake news has already backfired’

Slate: Spying an opportunity, right-wingers stopped ignoring the fake news discussion and began to co-opt the phrase as a synonym for liberal bias. A Twitter search for the term “fake news” on Tuesday suggested that it has by now crossed … Continue reading

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Trump’s Cabinet

Comment: I have a hunch that people are judging Trump by the wrong metric. They think of Presidents of the recent past, and think of how much they simply delegate to their cabinet members, who have great independence in implementation … Continue reading

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