Monthly Archives: December 2016

New York Times is now talking about the double standard between Zionism and White Nationalism.

Omri Boehm writes for the New York Times: For weeks now, Jewish communities across America have been troubled by an awkward phenomenon. Donald J. Trump, a ruthless politician trafficking in anti-Semitic tropes, has been elected to become the next president, … Continue reading

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Forward: Anti-Semitic ‘Alt-Right’ and Misogynist Pick-Up Artists Join Forces

Forward: On Jezebel, classics scholar Donna Zuckerberg (who happens to be Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s sister) raises an important question: “[W]hy have so many white, male leaders of communities and websites that used to focus on sex and gender shifted … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right & The Classics

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I’d argue that the more traditionalist sect of the alt-Right stems from the works of the Catholic French Counter-Enlightenment philosophers like Maistre and Bonald, and more recently, G.K. Chesterton while the atheist and neo-Paganist sects … Continue reading

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Genes & Intelligence

Comments at * If intelligence doesn’t have some genetic component, then why do infertile couples pay money to acquire sperm from Ivy League men for artificial insemination? Why don’t women with infertile husbands just have sex with any willing … Continue reading

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If America Is An Idea…

Comment: People on the Right reject the idea that ‘America’ is an idea… but I think I will dissent. I now believe ‘America’ is an idea. And because it is an idea, people around the world no longer need to … Continue reading

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