Monthly Archives: December 2016

Tempe couple finds burglary suspect in home holding their baby with his pants sagged down

News: TEMPE, AZ – New disturbing information has been released after a man a broke into a Tempe home and held the couple’s baby. Police arrested Oren Aharon Cohen, 35, after he broke into a home and was found holding … Continue reading

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Dylan Roof’s Manifesto

Comments: * I read Dylan Roof’s ‘manifesto’. Other than a few spelling errors (which he admitted to not having the time to correct) it was a well written piece arguing the state of race relations in the United States today. … Continue reading

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“Not Sending Their Best”: World Map of IQ Drop Due to Immigration

Article Average IQ across world:

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Race & Intelligence

From InfoGalactic: The existence of a link between race and intelligence has been repeatedly observed by scientists, but remains extremely controversial. Research suggests that the average IQ score of East Asians is higher than that of Europeans, and the average … Continue reading

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Some of Jerusalem’s rabbis are waging their own war on Christmas

Different groups have different interests. Diversity and proximity equal conflict. Washington Post: In a letter faxed to hoteliers in Jerusalem, two of the city’s chief rabbis warned against displaying Christmas trees on their premises. “As the secular year ends we … Continue reading

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