Monthly Archives: December 2016

Shlomo Rechnitz & The 8th Principle Of The Jewish Faith

Marc B. Shapiro writes: The assumption of R. Navarra is also found in, of all places, Shlomo Rechnitz’s famous (or infamous, depending your perspective) speech on the Lakewood school situation. In this incredibly courageous speech, delivered, as it were, in … Continue reading

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Historians & The Dark Side

Robert Liberles: Historians, imbued with curiosity and a fascination with the dark side, can easily be drawn toward the negative, the hostile, the antinomian side of human behavior. In addition, deviant behavior has much to teach about a society under … Continue reading

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Torah & Science

Marc B. Shapiro, history professor, writes: In the archive of R. Isaac Herzog there are a number of letters from R. Herzog relevant to the issue of science and Torah.[18] He was writing to scientists and historians asking them how … Continue reading

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Who Is The Most Highly Regarded Haredi Torah Scholar?

Marc B. Shapiro, history professor, writes: …opponents of R. Steinman have been very harsh in their evaluation of him, and a steady stream of publications has appeared designed to show that his views are not in line with the haredi … Continue reading

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R. Hershel Schachter, Gedolim, Rachel Morpurgo, and More

Marc B. Shapiro, history professor, writes: 1. In listening to a recent shiur[1] on Daas Torah by R. Hershel Schachter, I found a number of noteworthy comments. In this shiur, which has been heard thousands of times, R. Schachter states, … Continue reading

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