Monthly Archives: November 2016

President Trump!

There was not one major MSM journalist, publicly or privately, who was predicting a Trump victory. Not one. Journalists are not our friends. Matt Drudge. I've never felt more Jewish and less American — Peter Beinart (@PeterBeinart) November 9, 2016 … Continue reading

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Chaim Amalek: I call upon Yidden everywhere to offer up prayers to Hashem to help save this country by electing Trump

Chaim writes: An Impromptu And Sincere Prayer to Hashem: Lord, God, you know better than any pollster the stupidity of the regular goy, the reckless arrogance of the “off the derech” [apostate] Jew. And you know that certain of the … Continue reading

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A Final Plea to Never-Trumpers

Dennis Prager writes: It is very hard to publicly affirm a position for nearly a year and to then, at the last minute, change one’s mind. Nevertheless, even as late as Election Day itself, I wish to address those conservatives … Continue reading

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WP: Two Democratic operatives lose jobs after James O’Keefe sting

Washington Post: Scott Foval and Robert Creamer, two little-known but influential Democratic political operatives, have left their jobs after video investigations by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action found Foval entertaining dark notions about how to win elections. Foval was laid … Continue reading

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Election 2016

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Number of black voters among early voters down significantly. Guess that’s the problem with the “Rainbow coalition”: can’t expect every individual group to show up at once.

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