Monthly Archives: November 2016

Left-Wing Jews Are Embarrassing Judaism

Dennis Prager writes: The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Jews and their clergy at various synagogues around America were gathering to sit shiva — the Hebrew and Jewish term for the seven-day period of grieving that Jews engage in after … Continue reading

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LAT: Banc of California to review alleged ties to fraudster after investor’s demand

When a Bank is called Banc, it is usually a division of the original Bank, and often the persons in control want it for their own sketchy investments, but it is a weird business and it is always amazing how … Continue reading

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Defending Marc Gafni

Kerstin Zohar Tuschik writes on FB: This is my last post for the time on this thread. I will offer several final responses. I do not think that the smear campaign is only a function of Marc’s gifts. That is … Continue reading

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Twitter’s Alt-Right Purge

David Frum writes: Politics remains welcome at Twitter, as its most famous user, the president-elect, can attest. What Twitter is saying is that some and only some speech will be policed, by standards that can only be guessed at in … Continue reading

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The Goodwhites Are Wearing Safety Pins

Comments: Hey, don’t know about your parts, but where I live Goodwhite women are freaking out, even to the point of setting up meetings to grieve and push for women political candidates. One interesting aspect of their kvetching is that … Continue reading

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