Monthly Archives: November 2016

The Trump-Bannon Great Lakes High Speed Rail Line Swing State Express

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Trump voters there have mostly never stepped foot on any sort of public transit their whole life. They do not want high speed rails, they want the interstates to be upgraded and widened. One big … Continue reading

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Alexander Hamilton Wanted A White America

Steve Sailer writes: “Has anybody noticed that Hamilton’s program was rather Trumpish: protectionism, immigration restriction, infrastructure, and the Electoral College? By the way, as the strong man of the first cabinet, Hamilton was a big league supporter of the 1790 … Continue reading

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Post-Election Thoughts

My friend writes: As you know my prediction of the election’s outcome the weekend before the election came to pass. I also predicted protests and riots and possible insurrection. We don’t yet have insurrection and hopefully we won’t. Here are … Continue reading

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הימין האלטרנטיבי, מהו

Source: 1. הימין האלטרנטיבי הוא ימני במובן האמריקני והארופאי של המושג. סוציאליסטים אינם ימין אלטרנטיבי. פרוגרסיביים אינם ימין אלטרנטיבי. ליבראליים אינם ימין אלטרנטיבי. קומוניסטים, מרקסיסטים, מרקסיאנים, מרקסיסטים תרבותיים, ונאו-שמרנים אינם ימין אלטרנטיבי. 2. הימין האלטרניבי מהווה אלטרנטיבה לתנועה השמרנית המיינסטרימית … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer Profile

Infogalactic is the non-PC alternative to Wikipedia: Steven Ernest Sailer (born December 20, 1958) is an American journalist and movie critic for The American Conservative, a blogger, a Taki’s Magazine and columnist, and a former correspondent for UPI. He … Continue reading

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