Monthly Archives: October 2016

Facebook enables advertisers to exclude users by ‘ethnic affinity’

The big boys get to discriminate but we don’t. EndGadget: Facebook’s features let advertisers limit which users see their material, ideally those who will be more interested in their products. But currently included in the “demographics” section of their ad-targeting … Continue reading

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Happy Halloween Hillary!

Great cover!

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Steve Sailer: Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s Malice in Blunderland.

Comments: * Someone should do a nice excel spreadsheet for our current and recent past elites and influencers. I’d like to quickly see how many are Jewish, homosexual, liberal, etc. What percent of cultural damage is done by the sexually … Continue reading

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Feminism’s Lie: Denying Reality About Sexual Power And Rape

It’s a shame that nobody was around to teach Danielle Berrin these facts of life. Camille Paglia wrote in 1991: RAPE is an outrage that cannot be tolerated in civilized society. Yet feminism, which has waged a crusade for rape … Continue reading

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Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s Malice in Blunderland

Steve Sailer writes: Although merely a modest staffer, Eramo has a difficult legal hurdle to overcome in winning justice from Rolling Stone because the judge declared her to be a “limited purpose public figure.” (Bizarrely, the judge also ruled that … Continue reading

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