Monthly Archives: October 2016

Steve Sailer: How to Keep an NFL Team Out of Jail

Steve Sailer writes: Here’s an interesting article in the Washington Post by Kent Babb about the NFL Dallas Cowboys’ team fixer, a big black ex-cop and ex-bail bondsman who is on friendly terms with everybody who works at the courthouse … Continue reading

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Is Milo Hurting The Alt-Right?

Brett Stevens writes: Yiannopoulos is a provocateur who delights in offending everyone as a means of subverting the culture of offense, or the idea that any speech which disturbs someone or anyone is bad and should be banned. He is … Continue reading

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The Los Angeles Connection To The 9/11 Attacks

Wherever you have Muslims, you have increased support for Islamic activity, which includes terrorism. Wherever you have Jews, you have increased support for Zionism. If there had not been a Saudi-funded mosque in Culver City and a Halal restaurant on … Continue reading

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