Monthly Archives: October 2016

BOOM! Dem Pollster Says Election Could be Like 1980 a 40 State Trump Landslide

REPORT: According to former Jimmy Carter pollster Pat Caddell, Hillary Clinton is hemorrhaging support as a result of the FBI announcement and we could see a repeat of the 1980 election when anti-establishment candidate Ronald Reagan won in a landslide. … Continue reading

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The Rise Of The Alt-Right

Scott McConnell writes for The American Conservative: Twenty-one years ago I was assigned by Commentary to write about Jared Taylor—today known as one of the eminences of the “alt-right.” Taylor had written a grim book on American race relations, Paved … Continue reading

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Sam Glaser Down Under: Fourteen Days Performing in Australia in Fourteen Minutes

Published on Oct 31, 2016: Sam’s recent artist-in-residence program in Sydney Australia reached tens of thousands of fans in a very busy few weeks. He worked with several day schools, led two Shabbatons, visited retreat centers, taught and performed at … Continue reading

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Men in Massachusetts should simply not show up to defend restraining orders, divorces, and other family law matters?

Comments: * Google “Phil Greenspun divorce” for some amusing stories about the economics rewards of divorce. Basically marrying and divorcing an investment banker or a surgeon is a lot better life than becoming a banker or surgeon. * Greenspun is … Continue reading

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Trump Took Lead Before FBI Announcement

Dick Morris writes: History will undoubtedly say that the Comey announcement that the FBI is reopening its investigation into Hillary’s emails that turned the 2016 race around and brought Hillary down. But that’s a false narrative. And to grasp what … Continue reading

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