Monthly Archives: October 2016

Politico: ‘In a Time of Trump, Millennial Jews Awaken to Anti-Semitism: A new generation is experiencing an age-old hatred for the first time. But why has the Jewish right looked away?’

This Trump-inspired anti-Semitism sounds horrible. How many Jews have been slaughtered in this wave of hate? Oh, none. Well, how many Jews have been beat up? This article can’t find any examples of that either. If America in 2016 is … Continue reading

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LA TIMES Poll Shows Trump Leading By 4.7 Points

On the date of the first debate, September 26, the Times poll gave Trump 46.3% to Clinton’s 42.4%. Today the Times poll gives Trump 46/9% to Hillary’s 42.2%.

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WP: As news of Trump’s taxes breaks, he goes off script at a rally in Pennsylvania

Why do journalists want to punish politicians who go off script? You’d think journalists would appreciate candor. I read this Jenna Johnson article in full and I don’t see anything horrible that Trump said. I don’t see why his speech … Continue reading

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LAT: Trump says former Miss Universe was tied to a murder attempt. So what did happen in Venezuela?

Los Angeles Times: Trump supporters revived reports that Machado drove a getaway car for her then-boyfriend during a 1998 murder attempt in Venezuela’s capital, Caracas. Old claims that she later made a threatening call to a judge in the case … Continue reading

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Michael Barone: Voters reject John Lennon’s “world as one”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Man is a product of evolution. When pacifism arises among us, it’s often killed off by non-pacifists. So it doesn’t get passed on much. It’s still very much a man-shoot-man world. Having read a lot … Continue reading

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