Monthly Archives: October 2016

Please Pray For Trump!

Chaim Amalek writes: ATTENTION ALL YIDDEN! These next ten days every ehrlicher (true) Jew must pray to Hashem (God) for two things: 1. To send us Moshiach, NOW; and 2. To anoint Donald Trump as the next President of the … Continue reading

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Strip club with Texas ties segregates and mistreats black dancers, feds say

A friend of mine is morally outraged that many escorts say in their Craiglist ads, “No black men.” Perhaps the federal government needs to intervene to force them to serve the African-American community without discrimination. I am glad to see … Continue reading

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What Alt-Right Activists Can Do When Doxed By The Politically Correct Left

From the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas: The most noteworthy battlefield upon which livelihoods and personal relationships are savaged by the arbiters of political correctness is the World Wide Web, and doxing is the nuclear bomb within the arsenal … Continue reading

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Mike Cernovich’s Bank Accounts Frozen?

Mike Cernovich tweets: “Sick Hillary’s people fired warning shot at me. ALL accounts (multiple banks) simultaneously frozen. Had to talk to “senior operations.”” Comments at Vox Day: * This was just one of those internet hiccups that happen every so … Continue reading

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Illegal Immigrants In Italy Want White Women

Ilegal migrants, Italy: "We need white females, luxury housing, pocket money, good food & drinks, you give nothing" — James Smits (@JamesSmits2) September 22, 2016

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