Monthly Archives: October 2016

Hillary, Huma celebrate 20th ‘professional anniversary’

REPORT: Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin have marked a relationship milestone, according to the Washington Post: they’ve been together for 20 years. “Few people know this, but Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton celebrated their professional anniversary in September: it’s been … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘American Apartheid: A Georgia County Drove Out All Its Black Citizens in 1912’

Sad! Why would people who think they are white act like this to black bodies? Makes no sense. New York Times: BLOOD AT THE ROOT A Racial Cleansing in America By Patrick Phillips Illustrated. 302 pp. W.W. Norton & Company. … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘More than 75 evangelical leaders call Trump out on bigotry, racism’

I doubt you would find an MSM headline about people calling out Jews for anti-Gentile prejudice or leftists for anti-white prejudice. This headline and article just take it for granted that Trump commits the gigantic moral sins of bigotry and … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Infectious Laugh

"She's got this wonderful infectious laugh that carries quite far."–President Obama — Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) October 7, 2016 On Hillary's side: – The media– Hollywood– Political class– Never Trumpers– Big banks– Big business Astounding Trump is still in it. — … Continue reading

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Amazon, Christianity & Islam

The differences are that a) Christians have a sense of humor and b) they won't kill you if they don't happen to find it funny. — Space Bunnyopoulos (@Spacebunnyday) October 7, 2016 Amazon bans Islam costumes because they're "racist". … Continue reading

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