Monthly Archives: October 2016

Did Jews Fail To Win The Oppression Wars?

Jews are slowly realizing they'be been pushed down the Progressive Stack.Holocaust apparently didn't permanently win the Oppression Wars. — John Rivers (@JohnRiversToo) October 14, 2016

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NYT: ‘A black doctor from Houston says a Delta flight attendant dismissed her attempt to help an ill passenger by saying, ‘We are looking for actual physicians.”

As seven out of eight black applicants to medical school receive affirmative action and bring grades and test scores below that of the average white person refused admission to medical school, the brusque observation of the flight attendant was reasonable. … Continue reading

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Invite Muslim Refugees To Your Sukkah!

Invite Refugees into Your Celebration this Sukkot #JewsForRefugees via @HIASrefugees — ZAMBON PAOLO (@ZAMBONPAOLO1) October 14, 2016 How a Cincinnati high schooler is helping refugees via @enquirer — HIAS (@HIASrefugees) October 14, 2016 @jfederations support @HIASrefugees Once we … Continue reading

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44% Of American Jewish Households Earn Above $100,000 Per Annum

Household income $100,000+Jewish 44%Hindu 36%Episcopal 35%Atheist 30%Agnostic 29%Mormon 20%> US average 19%Catholic 19%Buddhist 13% — Conrad Hackett (@conradhackett) October 11, 2016

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A Fascist Philosopher Helps Us Understand Contemporary Politics

Prof. Alan Wolfe writes in 2004 for the Chronicle of Higher Education: To understand what is distinctive about today’s Republican Party, you first need to know about an obscure and very conservative German political philosopher. His name, however, is not … Continue reading

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