Monthly Archives: October 2016

Hillary’s Sex Scandals

Comments at Vox Day about the National Enquirer reports: * The lesbian thing isn’t all that surprising, although it’s been covered up better than you’d think it could be. The closest anybody every came to acknowledging it was in Primary … Continue reading

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Chateau Heartiste Was The Trumpening Before There Was Trump

Matt King writes: Let’s take a second here during a game post to congratulate CH for the victory in the general culture we are all now experiencing. The election (win or lose) is a symptom of that victory, not its … Continue reading

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Podesta Email Leak: Was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Assassinated?

From the Chateau: I normally don’t lend much credence to conspiracy theories, especially ones involving dead bodies, but this is not a normal year in America. We now know the ruling class has it in for everyday Americans. So when … Continue reading

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From the Chateau: One of the most important (and under-appreciated) social science studies to have been linked at the Chateau had to do with the escape velocity of revolutionary political movements. Unfortunately, I gave up trying to find the relevant … Continue reading

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The Best Political Ad Of 2016 (And Possibly Ever)

From the Chateau: Via Shrill, who writes, This is the best political ad I’ve seen in a long time. Absolutely implicit. A mother carrying a child is a rich image, one that’s imprinted not when motherhood starts but when girlhood … Continue reading

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