Monthly Archives: October 2016

Steve Sailer: The Unanswered Question: Would Hillary Accept Defeat or Would She Blame Russian Hackers?

Steve Sailer writes: Would Hillary peacefully accept the verdict of the polls or would she demand that Obama strike back at Russia for rigging the election? COMMENTS: * Another Unanswered Quesion: Why do liberals say they’ll move to Canada, rather … Continue reading

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Hillary Brings Up Alicia Machado Yet Again

Steve Sailer writes: From the Third Presidential Debate: “CLINTON: … In the 1990s, I went to Beijing and I said women’s rights are human rights. He insulted a former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado, called her an eating machine.” As I … Continue reading

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Are U.S. Jewish Organizations Hypocrites on Immigration?

I tackled this topic here. Allison Kaplan Sommer wrote for Haaretz in 2012: While the violence was condemned, organizations have stayed away from the hot button of Israel’s immigration policies, even as it has moved into active mass deportation of … Continue reading

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The Campaign to Toxify Donald Trump Among Jews

Joel Pollak wrote March 4, 2016: Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he is not an antisemite. Yet there is a malicious campaign afoot to paint him as one. Tablet Magazine, for example, has launched a “Trump Watch” … Continue reading

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Four Reasons the ADL’s Twitter Report Embarrasses #NeverTrump Pundits

From The Loebricator: The ADL released it’s report titled “Antisemitic Targeting of Journalists During the 2016 Presidential Campaign” which essentially defuses the exaggerated rhetoric from explicitly anti-Trump operatives like Ben Shapiro, Bethany Mandel and other Jewish conservative political pundits. Here’s … Continue reading

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