Daily Archives: September 20, 2016

Celebrity Rabbi, Asked to Pray for GOP, Picks Mourner’s Prayer

Should not the Jennifer Rubins of the pundit world be replaced by right-wing pundits of the variety that the voters actually support? Or should WAPO continue to pretend to have right-wing commentators when they only have jesters? What will that … Continue reading

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From A Time When Women Knew The Score (Or Men Were Less Beta)

From the Chateau: Reader Mister Bicks digs up a very old tune (originally written in 1917!) with a message that’s more honest than you’ll hear from any singer today. Thinking about your assertion that looks aren’t as important as charisma … Continue reading

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In Israel, racial profiling doesn’t warrant debate or apologies

I wish more First World countries were like this. Haaretz January 8, 2010: While other democracies hesitate to resort to racial profiling, Israel takes the practice for granted. A couple of months ago, I toured the IDF Ground Forces Command’s … Continue reading

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NYT: Donald Trump Jr. Faces Backlash After Comparing Syrian Refugees to Skittles That ‘Would Kill You’

All the comments in my Twitter feed praised him. I guess it all comes down to the question of whose side are you on. Donald Trump Jr and Sr are on the side of non-Muslims. The MSM are on the … Continue reading

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What was wrong with Hillary Clinton’s eyes during Philly speech?

REPORT: During a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Monday, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton appeared to have something quite off about her appearance. Hillary’s eyes appeared not in-sync with one another, as the left eye looked to be cock-eyed and … Continue reading

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