Daily Archives: September 14, 2016

Lying Media Scum

From Politico: “Lewandowski was fired as Trump’s campaign manager in June after manhandling a reporter…” The histrionic reporter, Michelle Fields, after being twice warned by Secret Service, kept touching Donald Trump and Lewandowski brushed her aside as he walked past. … Continue reading

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‘Remember, you might not be Ethnocentric, but your Conquerors will be.’


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Government Language Tutor Claims Migrants Only Interested in Benefits, Boast They’ll Never Work

Breitbart: A woman employed teaching English to migrants with so-called refugee status has revealed students have no interest in learning the language or getting a job, and are mostly interested in the benefits they can extract from taxpayers. The teacher, … Continue reading

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America Is An Idea


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10 Weird and Wonderful Things About Living Among Hasidic Jews

Gavin McInnes writes in 2013: The Great Bike Lanes War of Williamsburg has been raging since at least 2009. Hot girls on bikes ride through Hasidic communities flaunting their blasphemously saucy legs and ungodly cleavage. The Hasidim retaliated by painting … Continue reading

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