Daily Archives: September 13, 2016

Google Hides Popular Hillary Clinton Health Searches

Google has done everything it thought it could get away with to hide meaningful results for searches about Hillary Clinton’s health. All of the major tech companies are all in for her and they must be held accountable. They are … Continue reading

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‘Love Has No Labels’

As I watched Monday Night Football, I was continually assaulted by ads promoting the diversity message “Love has no labels.” What the heck is going on? I Googled the ads and found this on the ADL website: The Ad Council’s … Continue reading

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ESPN Supports Black Lives Matter

ESPN hates white America. Kaepernick's stunt is NOT about free speech. By supporting him, @espn is complicit in regurgitating BLM propaganda. https://t.co/uAtRZwwGPR — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September 13, 2016 #BlackLivesMatter is trash. https://t.co/YjzexIZ62r — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) September … Continue reading

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