Daily Archives: September 6, 2016

‘A modern twist on the Lawrence of Arabia gay invasion’

Daily Mail: ‘I don’t come to rob your country’: First Romanians to arrive in Britain following changes to EU migrant rules insist they are looking for work after being greeted at the airport by Labour MP Keith Vaz Labour MP … Continue reading

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Hillary: Putin Conspiring to Aid Trump, Won’t Deny Conspiracy Theories About Her Health Are Sexist, Exits Coughing

Comments at Steve Sailer: * If Trump somehow pulls through, the cover of the NY Post on the day after the election should have a picture of stunned Hillary with the caption “Schlonged!!!!!” * It’s really kind of astonishing (in … Continue reading

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How BDS Is Pushing Jewish Students Out of Social Justice Activism

If a Jew puts leftism before Judaism, he will work more for left-wing causes than Jewish ones. If he puts his Jewish identity first, he will do more Judaism than leftism. The more left a Jew goes, the more likely … Continue reading

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