Daily Archives: September 5, 2016

‘Are Jews anti-Israeli for saying Israel has a right to choose which immigrants it wants?’

Comment: “Jews often say they’re for open borders because, after all, their grandparents were allowed to come here. Lawrence Auster, a Jewish convert to Catholicism, suggested that such people be told that if we had known that letting Jews in … Continue reading

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Is Trump Un-American for Saying Americans Have a Right to Choose Which Immigrants We Want?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Trump has caused everyone to openly state a lot of their unspoken assumptions about immigration. It’s fascinating stuff. A lot of Americans are guilty about shutting the door to poor, uneducated immigrants because they feel … Continue reading

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‘Why Trump Doesn’t Scare Me’

Scott Adams writes: If you happen to live in a dangerous neighborhood, and/or you believe in ghosts, the word dark is likely to influence you more deeply that it does me. I also recognized soon after Trump’s GOP convention speech … Continue reading

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I heard this black guy in his 20s try to talk to a kid about life. Guy: “You have to constantly try to get better. If you made five tackles in your last game, then you have to try to … Continue reading

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Immigrant Food Stamp Fraud

Comments: The excellent blog ‘Refugee Resettlement Watch’ has an entire category covering this — food stamp fraud — it is widespread and has been going on for many years — see the archive of stories at the link. * Notice … Continue reading

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