Daily Archives: September 5, 2016

Joshua Seidel – Jewish Marksman and Gun Rights Supporter

From the blog Jewish Marksmanship: Today’s post introduces you to Jewish Marksman Joshua Seidel. As loyal readers know, we’re here primarily to promote Jews in the firearms, shooting sports and Second Amendment communities. That includes Olympic champions, famous gun-rights attorneys, … Continue reading

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Why Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech Was A Massive Success

From Return of Kings: Ever since the end of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions last month, the mainstream media has been leading an unprecedented assault on Donald Trump. Rigged polls that oversample Democrats have consistently shown him trailing Hillary … Continue reading

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The Case For Offshore Balancing

John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt writes in Foreign Affairs: For the first time in recent memory, large numbers of Americans are openly questioning their country’s grand strategy. An April 2016 Pew poll found that 57 percent of Americans agree … Continue reading

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In The Bag For Obama

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Michelle was in Maxim’s 100 Sexiest Women as well as People’s Most Beautiful People list, probably others as well. Even North Korean media can’t be more shamelessly in the bag for the ruling party than … Continue reading

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Who Was The Greatest Vice-President?

Comments: * “[Joe] Biden is definitely the greatest VP for saying — in public, in apparently prepared remarks — that Jews control the media and are to be credited with leftist advances in this country such as abortion and, especially, … Continue reading

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