Daily Archives: September 4, 2016

Is Donald Trump Too Gross To Be President?

Comment: To those who think Donald Trump is too gauche to be our president: In case you haven’t noticed, politics is very gauche. It is real estate sales multiplied by magnitudes. I personally know two real estate agents who are … Continue reading

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France’s Multicultural Dystopia

Leon Hadar writes: If you think this is a farfetched nightmare scenario concocted by an Islamophobic mind, consider the way that members of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community or Haredi in Israel have been winning the demographic wars, strengthening their political … Continue reading

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Josh Marshall: “Trump’s Blood Libel”

Steve Sailer writes: The first generation of immigrants is somewhat intimidated and/or disappears over the border when wanted for arrest, but the second generation is much worse. And there are more and more of them. Why does anyone think this … Continue reading

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Why Were So Many Madoff Victims Jewish?

The Atlantic Feb. 8, 2016: The trust people tend to feel toward others in the same ethnic, racial, and political groups makes them easy targets for scammers. Last week’s ABC mini-series chronicled the most famous financial fraud in recent American … Continue reading

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JTA reports that as much as 2/3 of Democratic money comes from Jewish donors

Mondoweiss reports in 2011: “I admire Ron Kampeas of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency for telling readers that he is a settler in East Jerusalem. Well Kampeas has also been more honest than other reporters about the role of Jewish money … Continue reading

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