Monthly Archives: September 2016

‘Why Trump Doesn’t Scare Me’

Scott Adams writes: If you happen to live in a dangerous neighborhood, and/or you believe in ghosts, the word dark is likely to influence you more deeply that it does me. I also recognized soon after Trump’s GOP convention speech … Continue reading

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I heard this black guy in his 20s try to talk to a kid about life. Guy: “You have to constantly try to get better. If you made five tackles in your last game, then you have to try to … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks | Comments Off on Self-Improvement

Immigrant Food Stamp Fraud

Comments: The excellent blog ‘Refugee Resettlement Watch’ has an entire category covering this — food stamp fraud — it is widespread and has been going on for many years — see the archive of stories at the link. * Notice … Continue reading

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Alt-Right Jew Joshua Seidel Leaves Twitter

Joshua blogs at “For those of you who follow me on twitter, you will see that my account is gone. I felt the need to do this because many of the comments I’ve made on twitter are simply too … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘The Easiest Way to Get Rid of Racism? Just Redefine It.’

Racism as a moral wrong has no reality because the concept was not in any moral lexicon prior to the 20th Century. Prior the last 100 years, you never heard about “racism.” Jesus never condemned it. No great rabbi has … Continue reading

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