Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Jewish Gentile Pay Gap

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24 Types Of Anti-White

Source. COMMENTS: * I’m always amazed at the notion that the demographic with the lowest measured average intelligence, educational, financial and career attainment at the same time has a deep and abiding grasp of history and politics that dictates their … Continue reading

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NYU Disinvites James D. Watson

“We are writing to inform you that the lecture by Professor James Watson, scheduled for September 12, 2016 has been cancelled. We received the attached letter that had been written by medical and graduate students at NYU School of Medicine … Continue reading

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Google Has Blackballed This Website From Its Search Results Since August 18

I hired a company to investigate Google’s claims of malicious code on my website and it reported back to me: “Hey there, I have just finished working on this site and everything looks to be clean… Also it looks like … Continue reading

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The Key To Understanding Why Some Jews Will Vote for Donald Trump

J.J. Goldberg is my favorite left-wing intellectual. He makes an effort to understand different points of view and when he makes an argument, he usually treats the other side fairly. He writes in the Forward: We Americans aren’t who we … Continue reading

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