Monthly Archives: September 2016

Alt-Right Movement Presents Its Vision for an All-White Society With Trump Paving the Way

Mother Jones: Spencer explained that he likes Trump’s immigration policy, which not only calls for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants but also reduces legal immigration into the country. (Spencer’s ideal policy would also favor immigrants from Europe.) But as Spencer … Continue reading

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The Alt Right Eyes Its Future And Preps To Professionalize Post-Trump

From TPM: In a cramped, carpeted ballroom at the Willard Hotel in downtown Washington, the rebranded “alt right” movement took a victory lap Friday and looked optimistically toward their future as a growing movement in the United States. The press … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Is An Instinctive Reaction

The left-wing point of view is also instinctive and biological and rooted in imprinting. Genes and imprinting and geography and culture create our decisions (and free will if you believe in that). I think people on the right have a … Continue reading

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Nationalism and the Future of Western Freedom

Yoram Hazony writes: For centuries, the politics of Western nations have been characterized by a struggle between two antithetical visions of world order: an order of free and independent nations, each pursuing the political good in accordance with its own … Continue reading

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Kids’ clothing retailer defends return policy singling out Orthodox neighborhoods

Different people have different gifts. Businesses should treat different types of customers differently. Many traditional Orthodox Jewish communities in America currently abuse return policies. From anecdotal reports, it seems to me that Orthodox Jewish kids tend to cheat more in … Continue reading

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