Monthly Archives: September 2016

Orthodox Jews Drawn To The Alt-Right

In this recent interview, white nationalist Greg Johnson says: “I had a dinner recently with some new young people who have come into it in the past two years and some people who’ve been around for decades. The contrast could … Continue reading

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Are Secret Service Agents Normally This Fat?

She was already wearing flats. If anyone tries the "heel broke" spin, show them this. @Writeonright — Spectre (@SpectreForever) September 11, 2016 REPORT: (VERO BEACH, FL) A former Secret Service agent has confirmed the identity of Hillary Clinton’s mysterious … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer Last Night: ‘Is There Still Time for Hillary to Drop Out?’

Steve Sailer posted that question on his blog last night, before Hillary’s collapse today. Comments at Steve Sailer: * I have this mental image of Steve, ensconced in a dark room late at night, running his spreadsheet data, thoughtfully tapping … Continue reading

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Being white, and a minority, in Georgia

The future. Shame they don’t have a Jewish Community Center they can join. Boston Globe: A generation ago, this Atlanta suburb was 95 percent white and rural with one little African-American neighborhood that was known as “colored town.’’ But after … Continue reading

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The Black-White Wage Gap In Brazil

The Economist: Brazil took more African slaves than any other country, and now has nearly three times as many people whose ancestors left Africa in the past few centuries as America does. Yet black faces seldom appear in Brazilian newspapers … Continue reading

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