Monthly Archives: September 2016

Shalom Auslander: ‘Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler.’

I am sure Donald Trump has much of the con man in him. Most great persuaders do. F.M. Alexander, the developer of what is now known as the Alexander Technique, had many qualities of the con man but he really … Continue reading

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How Many Americans Newspapers Have Endorsed Donald Trump?

I can’t wait for Trump’s enemies to get it good and hard. Washington Post: Last week wasn’t a good one for Gary Johnson. In fact, the Libertarian presidential nominee who stunned the political world with a single, dizzying question — … Continue reading

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The Best Privilege Is Jewish Privilege

Chaim Amalek writes: As a Jew, I get a Hollywood Studio, and a Bank, plus BOTH US citizenship AND dual citizenship (wink wink) in an ethnostate of my own. Take that, White Goyim!

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The Seven Deplorable Sins Of Secularism

From the Chateau: Racism Sexism Anti-Semitism Islamophobia Homophobia Xenophobia Judgmentalism The above is a riff on thecunt’s LGBTQ speech from Friday, in which she labeled Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables” (aka normal, sexually dimorphic Americans). “You could put half … Continue reading

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What Ails Hillary?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * As far as the nature of Clinton’s affliction, I’m torn between three choices: 1) Something cardiac related. The fainting sort of makes sense with this, and some think Hillary is wearing a defibrillator vest or … Continue reading

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