Monthly Archives: September 2016

Strategist: If Trump Wins, ‘The U.S. Economy Would Take Off in a Big Way’

Bloomberg: Financial markets are starting to “wake up” to the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s recent health concerns and tightening polls, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch Head of Global Rates and … Continue reading

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Mickey Kaus: #HillarysHealth already no longer trending?

Mickey tweets: Sure. Everyone trusts @Twitter. #AllHandsOnDeck Responses: * @twitter It actually never even trended. At what point do we just call it “State Run Media?” * It only trended for a couple hours. Came up late then ended quickly. … Continue reading

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U.S. tech firms urge Congress to allow internet domain changeover

It does not seem like American tech firms are on the side of America. They’re all lined up for Hillary Clinton and against the nationalist candidate Donald Trump. They all want more foreign visas so they can displace American workers … Continue reading

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Is this Hillary’s undercover nurse? Pictures show mystery woman appearing to check Clinton’s pulse as she clutches her heart before her collapse at 9/11 memorial

I love it how the American media describe Hillary’s Sunday collapse as a “stumble.” The British papers have better coverage. Daily Mail: Photos showing a mysterious woman appearing to check Hillary Clinton’s pulse just before she collapsed Sunday have sparked … Continue reading

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Politico: ‘The right’s provocateur of the moment loves Donald Trump but worries about the ‘amnesty’ bunch around him.’

I guess Jews weren’t able to rule Ann Coulter out of public life after her impolitic tweets of last September. She seems like the most powerful writer in the world these days as she has Donald Trump’s ear. Jews in … Continue reading

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