Monthly Archives: September 2016

Hollywood Predators

I moved to Los Angeles in 1994 and for the next two years pursued work as an actor and model. I went to classes, parties, and worked as an extra in TV and movies. The thing I loved about it … Continue reading

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Remarkable Predictions About Hillary’s Health

From Scott Adams: In a blog post I wrote on December 27th, 2015, I said this… Bonus Thought 1: One of the skills a hypnotist has to master is reading people’s inner thoughts based on their body language. That’s a … Continue reading

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Deplorable Pneumonia

Scott Adams writes: When Hillary Clinton called half of Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables,” I said it would not move the polls more than 1%. My thinking is that we have three types of voters: 1. The Deplorables – … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Hillary Loses Balance At 9/11 Memorial’

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Are The Media Bewitched By Trump?

Joel Bellman writes: “He is, as many have noted, by far the least qualified individual by temperament, experience, intellect, and judgment of any major party presidential candidate in, like, forever.” The liberal Jewish writer does not bother to back up … Continue reading

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