Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Media’s War On Noticing

Steve Sailer writes: It has been a fun week for everybody (except Hillary Clinton) since my last column began by asking: If Donald Trump were as bad as she says, shouldn’t Hillary drop out so a better candidate could beat … Continue reading

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Lying Media Scum

From Politico: “Lewandowski was fired as Trump’s campaign manager in June after manhandling a reporter…” The histrionic reporter, Michelle Fields, after being twice warned by Secret Service, kept touching Donald Trump and Lewandowski brushed her aside as he walked past. … Continue reading

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‘Remember, you might not be Ethnocentric, but your Conquerors will be.’


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Government Language Tutor Claims Migrants Only Interested in Benefits, Boast They’ll Never Work

Breitbart: A woman employed teaching English to migrants with so-called refugee status has revealed students have no interest in learning the language or getting a job, and are mostly interested in the benefits they can extract from taxpayers. The teacher, … Continue reading

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America Is An Idea


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