Monthly Archives: September 2016

When Your Husband Gets Called a ‘Filthy Kike’ On Twitter

Wow! There are consequences for anti-white bigotry. Shocking! Diane Webber writes: It was bracing to learn on Monday that my husband, Glenn Thrush, had been called a “filthy kike” on Twitter. He is the chief political correspondent for Politico, and … Continue reading

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If Hillary Wins…

Comments: If Hillary gets to appoint the next Supreme Court justice, there will be speech codes, etc. There would be 5 extremely leftist justices. Illegals and so-called refugees will continue to pour in, thus hastening our demographic decline. Unfortunately, I … Continue reading

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REPORT: DHS Buried Damning Immigration Study Because It Would ‘Help Elect Donald Trump’

Daily Caller: The Department of Homeland Security is allegedly refusing to release the results of an immigration study that could “help elect Donald Trump.” According to Fox News, the study was commissioned in 2015 by members of the House and … Continue reading

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Trump and the Alt-Right: Pepe and the stormtroopers

Steve Sailer writes: “Do you ever get the feeling the Establishment is suffering a collective nervous breakdown as its projections about “rantings” and “hateful” become every more obvious?” Comments at Steve Sailer: * This article or editorial or whatever you … Continue reading

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My Brunch With the Anthony Weiner Intern

GARANCE FRANKE-RUTA writes July 31, 2013 for The Atlantic: NEW YORK — Mark Leibovich has memorialized D.C. as This Town, but it turns out “this town”-type behavior extends all the way to New York, which has just discovered its very … Continue reading

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