Monthly Archives: September 2016

How Trump Flipped The Script

Scott Adams writes: Do you remember way—-way—-way—back in July, when the public thought Trump was the candidate they couldn’t trust with the nuclear arsenal? That was before we realized he could moderate his personality on command, as he is doing … Continue reading

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Rabbi Cooper: ‘Finding a Multifaith Model in A Secular Muslim Society’

Rabbi Abraham Cooper writes for the Huffington Post: Now in the 40th year at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, I spend my life focusing on building awareness of the dangerous hatred and social injustice in the world; of urging people to … Continue reading

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Media Matters: Trump Campaign Accepts Donations From White Nationalist Leaders

I wonder how many people will read Media Matters and think, those Counter-Currents guys sound interesting. I’ll check them out. The George Soros funded Media Matters reports: The campaign of Republican nominee Donald Trump accepted donations from Michael Polignano and … Continue reading

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Jewish Organization Demands Donald Trump Return Donations from White Supremacists

Should politicians also return donations from Jewish supremacists, black supremacists, latino supremacists, muslim supremacists? How come the only supremacists the media talks about are white supremacists? Forward: Bend the Arc, a Jewish justice organization, is demanding Donald Trump return contributions … Continue reading

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The left’s record in the last three months

Dennis Prager writes: In May, the New York City Council voted to de-criminalize urinating in public. Last week, the Italian Supreme Court voted to legalize public masturbation. According to a new poll from Ipsos Public Affairs, “Americans increasingly don’t care … Continue reading

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