Monthly Archives: September 2016

WP: A lot of Donald Trump Jr.’s trail missteps seem to involve white nationalists and Nazis

This is a trend. Donald Trump Jr. is Alt-Right friendly. Good for the Washington Post for linking to Alt-Right sources in this piece. Washington Post: Let’s recap: The “gas chamber” comment “The media has been her number-one surrogate in this,” … Continue reading

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Divisions In White Nationalism

I just caught this podcast on Youtube. Host: “What causes these rifts? A lot of it is class. Boots vs suits. Then there are the wonks vs trolls. We’re doing right-wing journalism and winning the internet every day.” “There seems … Continue reading

Posted in America, Holocaust, Homosexuality, Nationalism, Richard Spencer | Comments Off on Divisions In White Nationalism

Big-headed babies are brightest

Phrenology is real. Big heads correlate with big brains which correlate with high IQ. People with big heads typically don’t run fast because their body shape must change to support their big heads, so their hips get wider and then … Continue reading

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Why Carl Schmitt Became A Nazi

From Reinhard Mehring’s Carl Schmitt: A Biography: Wikipedia.

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I Wonder Where The Washington Post Stands On Donald Trump?

From this afternoon:

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