Monthly Archives: September 2016

Ben Shapiro Shifting Towards Trump?

Vox Day writes: Ah, so “never” for varying values of the term. Well, rats only swarm a winning ship. This is just an early sign of the coming Trumpslide. Let’s all welcome (((Ben))) aboard the #TrumpTrain! COMMENTS: * “Typical Jew … Continue reading

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Excluding The High IQ

Polymath writes: “The probability of entering and remaining in an intellectually elite profession such as Physician, Judge, Professor, Scientist, Corporate Executive, etc. increases with IQ to about 133. It then falls about 1/3 by 140. By 150 IQ the probability … Continue reading

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The New Paradigm

Old: "Nuclear War Destroys New York. Poor, Minorities Hardest Hit." New: "ISIS Bomb destroys New York. Muslim groups fear backlash." — Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) September 19, 2016 '16 in a nutshell. Nat'l Q poll: % of Clinton supporters who worry … Continue reading

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KM: S&M, transgenderism and Jewish holidays: Transparent is “the most Jewish show on television.”

Amy Klein writes for Hadassah Magazine: There’s a scene in the upcoming third season of Transparent—Jill Soloway’s hit show on Amazon about a father’s transgender transition and its effect on his family—where daughter Sarah Pfefferman is bound and getting flogged … Continue reading

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Decoding an Anti-Semitic Meme Donald Trump Supporters Took From Anime

Jay Michaelson writes: It turns out, the image is of Asuka, a character in the controversial, critically heralded anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, created by Hideaki Anno in 1995. Evangelion created a mythology that makes Lost look like Candy-Land, blending … Continue reading

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