Monthly Archives: September 2016

From A Time When Women Knew The Score (Or Men Were Less Beta)

From the Chateau: Reader Mister Bicks digs up a very old tune (originally written in 1917!) with a message that’s more honest than you’ll hear from any singer today. Thinking about your assertion that looks aren’t as important as charisma … Continue reading

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In Israel, racial profiling doesn’t warrant debate or apologies

I wish more First World countries were like this. Haaretz January 8, 2010: While other democracies hesitate to resort to racial profiling, Israel takes the practice for granted. A couple of months ago, I toured the IDF Ground Forces Command’s … Continue reading

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NYT: Donald Trump Jr. Faces Backlash After Comparing Syrian Refugees to Skittles That ‘Would Kill You’

All the comments in my Twitter feed praised him. I guess it all comes down to the question of whose side are you on. Donald Trump Jr and Sr are on the side of non-Muslims. The MSM are on the … Continue reading

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What was wrong with Hillary Clinton’s eyes during Philly speech?

REPORT: During a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Monday, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton appeared to have something quite off about her appearance. Hillary’s eyes appeared not in-sync with one another, as the left eye looked to be cock-eyed and … Continue reading

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‘70% of European Jews won’t go to shul on High Holy Days despite heightened security’

Perhaps Jews should rethink their support for Muslim immigration into the First World? Muslims tend to hate Jews more intensely than goyim do. Jerusalem Post: “The challenge for most of the Jewish communities has doubled in recent months,” stated Rabbi … Continue reading

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